Dude, CHeck IT oUT!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Automatic Flatterer

Automatic Flatterer: "Automatic flatterer"

Monday, February 27, 2006


The Wave Magazine - The Bay Area's Best Entertainment Magazine... Ever.

The Wave Magazine - The Bay Area's Best Entertainment Magazine... Ever.:

I'm not sure whether anyone else on this blog has read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, or seen Blade Runner, but I really like the idea of testing to see if politicians are human or not.

"With Willie Brown finally leaving his gold (plated), diamond-encrusted throne, there has been no shortage of hats thrown into the mayoral ring. San Francisco politics are now a microcosm of California’s own, greater gubernatorial “challenges.” Rather than confuse you with endorsements, position papers and other outmoded means of political influence, we’ve decided to get to the bottom of the only question that matters: Is a particular candidate human or an insidious replicant, possessed of physical strength and computational abilities far exceeding our own, but lacking empathy and possibly even bent on our destruction as a species?"


Astonishing Tales: Web Movie Screenplay Creator

Astonishing Tales: Web Movie Screenplay Creator:

Simply fantastic.

"Writing screenplays may look difficult, but with the right tools and right approach you can effortlessly create a script that will astonish all who read it - this includes jaded Hollywood fatcats!

Obviously you have your favourite web sites. That goes without saying.

But have you ever stopped to think how much better those sites would be if Hollywood scriptwriters got ahold of them and turned them into a movie screenplay?

Of course you have... you're not an idiot!"


Fellowship of the Peep

Fellowship of the Peep

It's the lord of the rings, with peeps. It only goes until they enter Moria, and they haven't updated since 2004, so I think that's all they'll ever do. But what's there is very nice.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Dude! I don't know if anyone else cares:
but oh my goodness was I unprepared...
spoiler alert:
stope reading now if you're not prepared to know what happened in that last link:
Dora totally kissed Marten! What!?!?!

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Dude, Check This Out!

Dude, Check This Out!:

Someone beat us to this idea, only put alot more work into their version.




"Slut-o-meter evaluates the promiscuity of the subject you enter by comparing the number of Google search results with and without "safe-search" enabled. A complete slut would return unsafe results and no safe results. Alternatively, a clean name should produce the same number of safe and unsafe results."

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Amazing links from my friend Amanda's profile

I was going to reformat this, and try to steal credit, but actually, Amanda's presentation was the best:

A new segment, entitled "Amanda Introduces Emotional Balance to Your Life"
for when you are sad

for when you are happy

for when you are pleased

for when you are angry


Berlin Man Wants End to Bendy Bananas | Current Affairs | Deutsche Welle | 18.10.2004

Berlin Man Wants End to Bendy Bananas | Current Affairs | Deutsche Welle | 18.10.2004:

"'Depending on the degree of the curve, chunks will be cut out of the banana, which will then be bound back together using biologically safe bandages,' Lentze explained to the German tabloid Bild."


Mind Control by Parasites - Yahoo! News

Mind Control by Parasites

Because one article about parasites isn't enough.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Boston Herald: Boss' wake-up call stops waiter at death's door

Boston Herald: Boss' wake-up call stops waiter at death's door:

"All hope seemed lost a week ago when family members, sitting in grim vigil, pulled the plug on life support. Then a friend delivered a gruff message from DiPasquale's boss, restaurant mogul Charles Sarkis.

'Get your ass back to work.'

Five minutes later, in a whisper that hit a Massachusetts General Hospital room like a thunderbolt, DiPasquale awoke saying, 'I've got to get to work.'"



Tis the season to be scared witless

"Sixteen-month-old Carson stared skeptically at the big red guy while waiting in line to see him at a Christmas party in 2004. But he made up his mind quickly and decisively when somebody actually tried to put him on Santa's lap. This was not going to happen."

Monday, February 20, 2006



Avoid Hell through HTML

Friday, February 17, 2006


Ten Ways Dick Cheney Can Kill You

I realise this is political, but it's also very, very funny.

Don't mess with Cheney



Sometimes I am so proud of my species.

You get one "gun" soap and three "bullet" guest soaps.


St. George and the Kitten

Just because it's cute, and I like posting.

Image hosting by Photobucket





This was a favorite book of mine as a child. It's very cute.

Also, my blog homescreen is all in French, now. And I am le confused.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Stuff On My Cat

Stuff On My Cat

You may have seen this before, but I can't risk it.


Crochet tree

"What do you do when you spot a crochet-covered tree on your way across town? You get a camera and take copious pictures to post on your blog, of course."

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Atomic Blast Photos

Atomic Blast Photos: "Photos of the First Few Microseconds of an Atomic Blast"

All I can say is "oh em gee"

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Wasps and their zombie cockroaches

If you attended last week's Girly Social Hour ("girly soc" to those in the know), I have already creeped you out with this. But here it is in full version, and I warn you, it is even creepier, despite the disarming levity of the author.

The Wisdom of Parasites

Love and kisses.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Just in case anyone cared, Leela is apparently a Jack-a-bee.

Or maybe you all knew that and just didn't tell me.


Wierd Anglo-Catholic Fun

I have no idea whether anyone else will find this blog as funny as I do. I have some hope that Kate will. And maybe Cat.

Anyway: Fireside Chat with the Rector.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


BBC - h2g2 - Handy Latin Phrases

BBC - h2g2 - Handy Latin Phrases:

"Subucula tua apparet - Your slip is showing"

Thursday, February 09, 2006


I Am But A Vessel Through Which God Drones On Indefinitely | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

I Am But A Vessel Through Which God Drones On Indefinitely | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

I swear I've had a sermon from this guy.


Come to Lapland...

They've got multigenerational playground equipment!

My favorite line from this article: "It seems it simply does not occur to Finnish youth to destroy things that are built for their pleasure."

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Adorable games

Orisinal is an odd name, but they have a game where you bounce a star around with a bubble. Eat your heart out.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Some old-time Flash cartoon goodness

Since Ryan revealed to me over the weekend that she has not seen these things...

Threebrain.com, which has the famed 'Gonads & Strife' video, as well as the video about 'Hypothermia' that I think I may have been humming when I began this conversation.

Also, Amy Winfrey is my favorite Flash animator (yes, I have one of those), and her three major opuses are:

Muffin Films,
Big Bunny (Which you can hear a tribute to every time I say the word "delicious." Perhaps also every time I see a squirrel.),
& Making Fiends.

Hooray, Flash animation!

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Alright, Fine, I'm Totally In!

Here you all are, because I promised. And, kinda because I felt like an immeasurably cheap tool for not having posted in well, just about forever. So, I give you, the links to the webcomics that I find wondorous. Cause they distract me for a few minutes every day.

Ozy and Millie:
honestly a great webcomic, adorable and funny, what more do you want? the archives are great

Questionable Content:
Kate reads this too, so I am not alone in finding it joyful (except for the sad subplots)

Friendly Hostility:
spin-off of the fabled Boy Meets Boy, but kinda better, and kinda silly a lot of the time.

Dr. McNinja:
I just discovered this from a link from QC, and I haven't read all the archives yet, but it seems to kick

C'est La Vie:
A French woman and her stuffed rabbit, and a man with big ears, what more could you ask for?

Cat Legend:
I am truly ashamed of this one, mostly because the fan base averages ten years old and they're obnoxious. The comic itself is kinda pretty and great for killing time cause each page takes forever to load. But, it's a very high concept story with sub-par plotting and execution (the dialogue, oh man, it's bad).

enjoy, or cringe, whatev...

Friday, February 03, 2006


Wall Of Fame

Wall Of Fame

30 years of Sworovski silver crystal. It's so shiny.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Are you asking for a challenge???

Okay, Ryan, I will post something interesting! Ha!

From Overheard in the Office:

Worker #1: Yeah, maybe he wasn't the best intern.
Worker #2: How was I supposed to know he'd go off his meds?
Worker #1: He sure did love opening mail, though.
Worker #2: Yeah. He sure did love opening mail.


Dean And Nigel Blend In!

And this is something that is hopefully both interesting and not making fun of Indiana.

Dean And Nigel Blend In!


My Way News

My Way News:

Stealing manhole covers to be sold as scrap could be described as "hoosier."

"INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Thieves have made off with dozens of hefty manhole covers and sewer grates in the last few days, leaving gaping holes scattered in streets across the city."

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


hegemony. The American Heritage� Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.

hegemony. The American Heritage� Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.:

"The predominant influence, as of a state, region, or group, over another or others."




A recent research project based at University College London (UCL) has investigated the distribution of surnames in Great Britain, both current and historic, in order to understand patterns of regional economic development, population movement and cultural identity. This website allows users to search the databases that we have created, and to trace the geography and history of their family names.


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